6th Annual Carrington Charitable Foundation Golf Classic

June 03, 2017

It may be June, but October is right around the corner – and that means it’ll be time for the 6th Annual Carrington Charitable Foundation Golf Classic! This year’s event is scheduled to take place on Monday, October 10 at The Resort on Pelican Hill, and if our previous events are any indication, this is a day you don’t want to miss being a part of!

But before we get to the event, there’s fundraising to be done! All the proceeds from this year’s Golf Classic will benefit Carrington House and Veterans Airlift Command, and we need your help to get those funds rolling in. We encourage all Carrington Associates to participate, and there’s many ways you can do so. For example, you can donate money on auction items, or partner with other associates to put together a themed basket. Examples include: a fitness-themed basket, movie night-themed basket, sports- or tailgate-themed baskets, kid-themed baskets or holiday themed baskets. And while you can certainly volunteer the day of the tournament, we could use your help before that to stuff swag bags, organize the silent auction, help with marketing and reach out to potential sponsors and donors.

Want to lend a hand? Fantastic! E-mail us at ccf@carringtonmh.com and let’s make a plan!