Carrington Charitable Foundation Goes Red, White & Blue
As a reflection of our focus on military-related charitable initiatives, the Carrington Charitable Foundation (CCF) has transitioned to using the red, white and blue version of our logo.
In 2011, the Foundation launched a green, orange and blue logo version as a reflection of our Carrington Companies working together in the mission to serve the communities in which we live and work. Now in 2014, we have grown as a family of companies to support multiple charitable initiatives, with a specific focus on aiding our military service members through the Carrington House Program, Veterans Airlift Command and Gary Sinise Foundation. The Foundation will still stay true to its mission to support individuals and other non-profits causes in our communities that reflect the interest and passions of our Carrington Associates.
The Foundation is excited to implement this transition to the patriotic-themed logo as an on-going commitment to serving our nation’s military Heroes and their families who have sacrificed for our freedom.
Thank you for your continued support of Carrington Charitable Foundation!